
Singled Out: Tiger Riot

Today Christopher Tagliaferro from Tiger Riot tells us about "The Trap" from their brand new album "Look Up!," which hit stores this week. Here is the story:

The Trap is an outline of a doomed relationship using song parts to highlight a point of time, or stage. The first verse highlights the courtship of childhood friends, where the na�ve protagonist meets and becomes enamored with his counterpart. The second verse to prechorus deals with becoming both physically and emotionally closer, too much so that it leads to a disagreement in which the protagonist begins to uncover unexpected truths. By the bridge, the facts have been presented: the main character was never cared for and was only being used by the girl for her own social and/or economic gain. This comes as a shock to our hero, who had blissfully assumed that he had met his angelic paragon and who is normally not so trustworthy and open for fear of being betrayed like this (normally, he "knows that s*** sideways").

The bridge's duet vocals highlight the climax of the relationship: the crushing end in which the protagonist, although bruised and betrayed, continues to believe that the girl he fell in love with will one day return to him when things go completely wrong ("I know that you'll catch me when I fall")

While the song's story is told in a linear format throughout, the chorus tells the protagonist's feelings in the present day, after the whole situation, and furthermore summarizes the Trap's story: an ode to the idea of a person that will never be.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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