
Korn Working on Next Album

(Gibson) Korn have already begun work on a follow-up to Korn III: Remember Who You Are, which was released only six months ago. Guitarist James "Munky" Shaffer broke the news to zoiksonline.com.

"We have probably three songs we wrote a couple two three months ago," Shaffer said. "We went into the studio, we wrote some songs, Jon [vocalist Jonathan Davis] demoed the songs on his computer, and then we took them into the studio and played them live and tweaked them a little bit. Then we put those down and recorded them."

Shaffer said one of the tracks reminds him of Soundgarden and the Seattle sound, while the others are more experimental. "We're definitely moving forward, we'll probably start recording in April to try and fine tune this sound we're developing," he said. more on this story

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