
Singled Out: Saliva Share The Story Behind 'Rise Up'

Today Saliva's new frontman Bobby Amaru tells us about their brand new single "Rise Up" which is being released today and is the title track to the group's forthcoming album that will be released on April 29th. Here is the story:

The song was something that came musically in the studio in Jacksonville Fl when we were recording some demos on a break from tour. I heard this riff in my head that seemed really cool so I grabbed the nearest guitar and started playing it. We wanted to keep the song very simple but heavy also.

The concept lyrically just came to me pretty easy. The music had a powerful "statement" type feel so lyrically I wanted to capture that. It's basically about someone struggling day to day through life challenges. Overcoming them and not looking back or regretting anything in this life cause tomorrow it could all be gone!

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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