
Singled Out: The Modbeats Cover Of Bob Dylan's Just Like a Woman


Singled Out: The Modbeats Cover Of Bob Dylan's Just Like a Woman

The Modbeats just released their cover of the Bob Dylan classic "Just Like a Woman", and to celebrate we asked lead singer/guitarist Philip Dunn about the track. Here is the story:

Blonde on Blonde has always been my personal favorite of the Dylan discography. The whole 1964-1967 era, really. From Another Side of Bob Dylan straight through Blonde on Blonde. The musicians he played with during this period, his fashion sense, etc...it just never gets old!

It wasn't easy choosing just one song to cover. I really love every track on the album. We wanted to do something different. We chose "Just Like a Woman" because it's really a nice melody and I was intrigued about taking this slower kind of tune and making it an upbeat number.

I haven't come across a cover version quite like this before. With the biopic coming up at Christmas, we felt the time was right to put this out.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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