
Singled Out: Pete Price and The Price Brothers Band


Singled Out: Pete Price and The Price Brothers Band

Pete Price and The Price Brothers Band just released the new album "Pictures in Time" and to celebrate we asked Pete to tell us about the lead single "House Of Mirrors". Here is the story:

House of Mirrors is my first single release from my second album; Pictures In Time. I'd had some lyrics about being my own jailer kicking around in my head for a couple of years and after a couple of weak efforts at getting the idea into a song, I struck on House of Mirrors.

It's a dark sounding song on the surface, but with an important message; Don't be the one holding yourself back. Give yourself permission to take chances and go for it. If you fail the first time, or the first four times, learn the lessons and get back in the game! Don't be the warden of your personal prison.

I like to write about topics that can help people to become happier with themselves, -to grow and flourish. Many of my songs have that kind of message.

Musically. The song is pretty simple. It's in a minor key with a 7th chord in the turnaround, and with the great tremolo guitar played by Casey Davis, it really comes alive. Jeff Tutt, my engineer, co producer, and keyboardist, added some great effects, like the plucked string patch you can hear throughout the song. I also think that the 2 step modulation (Em to Gm) in the bridge is cool and I'm a little proud of it. It's a little left-handed but it works really well.

It was nice to record with some of my local friends here in Dayton, Ohio. There must be something in the water here because Dayton is brimming with musical talent and has a thriving local music scene!

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here

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