
Singled Out: Natalie Saint-Martin's 2nd Place

Keavin Wiggins | 05-04-2022

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Natalie Saint-Martin Single art
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LA-based alternative/dark-pop artist Natalie Saint-Martin just released her new single and video "2nd Place", and to celebrate we asked her to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

When we started production with 2nd Place, every idea we had was so new. This was the second song that I had ever recorded with David. The recording process that we do is a little different, I will sit at the piano and sing the song straight through over and over again until we get a solid take.

Whenever we do, there is this magic feeling when everything starts coming to life. The ideas start blooming and there are so many that you're trying to catch up to them. The writing process didn't come into fruition in the same way. I felt doubted by everyone in my life at the time and let self-doubt join in on the fun. At the beginning of writing 2nd Place, everything felt like a constant cycle of hard times in paradise. Feeling runner up at my job, in my music career, more particularly when I was alone in my dormant thoughts. I was trying to remind myself that you have to be 1st place in your own heart and mind.

It was like the waves kept crashing and wouldn't give up, but neither would I. You get to a point where you either believe the people that know nothing about you, or believe in the person you have always dreamt of being. That person is always 1st place. You're allowed to be 1st place.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about Natalie here

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Singled Out: Natalie Saint-Martin's 2nd Place

News > Natalie Saint-Martin