
Oasis Delay

(NME) NOEL GALLAGHER has told NME OASIS won't release any new material until 2007 � and he wouldn't be surprised if the next album isn't out until 2010.

Speaking exclusively to NME, the guitarist said that currently the only plan is for a B-sides compilation next year, as the group will take most of the year off following their world tour which isn't set to finish until early next spring.

He said: "We're touring till next March, and I'd have thought by February we'll be sick of the sight of each other. We'll probably have the rest of that year out, and Liam will write 500 songs, Gem (Archer) and Andy (Bell) will write a few and I'll go back to the ones I haven't finished off.[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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