
New Face Of Rock???

(Submitted) Will Woodrow is the new face of rock and roll music. The raspy vocals with a hypnotizing performance will keep you glued to the stage. This independent artist has his hands full with club dates, a newly formed record company, and the new album (Nerve & Brain Pills). Produced by five time Grammy nominee Bud Snyder, Nerve & Brain Pills is Credible, Real and Relatable.

"These vocals could stop a Mac truck. Very Joe Cocker-esque." Robert Metzgar, capitol management group- "He's a natural. With Guys like that, you press record and just let them go." John Seda, Rising Sun Music- "I think I'll go home now, that was powerful." Jim Mason, Live showcase 7/29/05 WMNF 88.5 Tampa-[see full story for more] - Click here for the Full Story

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