
Disclaimer: Please Read Carefully. The following is a parody and does not chronicle factual events. Celebrity personalities and statements are impersonated and are not meant to present said celebrities real attitude, personality, conduct or actions. What you are about to read comes solely from the demented mind of antiGUY and is entirely a work of satirical fiction. The stories presented in this section may contain mature material and language and is not meant to be read by minors, lawyers, crocked politicians, record company suits, The RIAA, Backstreet Boys fans and deli owners. antiMUSIC and the employees, owners, publisher of the Iconoclast Entertainment Group takes no responsibility for the material contained in this article and the effect it might have on the reader. This article comes with no warranty, either implied or expressed, the reader is therefore cautioned to read this at their own risk with tongue firmly planted in cheek. antiMUSIC retains all rights, either stated, implied and or imagined in relation to the material contained here and will take what ever action is necessary to cover our ass. In other words this is a joke and nothing more. If you take it as more than that you are the one at fault not us because or sole intention is only to entertain, not defraud, defame or libel any individual or entity. By reading any article containing in this series you agree to these terms and conditions and further agree to take no action what so ever against antiMUSIC and the employees, owners, publisher of the Iconoclast Entertainment Group as a result of any material contained in this series. You further acknowledge that there is no easter bunny, antiGUY is cool, U2 is overated, anti-smokers suck and Coke is better than Pepsi. Thank you for taking the time to read this entire disclaimer, you obviously have way too much time on your hands and are welcome to read all articles contained within the domains of the iconoFAN network, except where prohibited by local laws and age restraints and sexual preference.