
Slash Soundtrack

(PR) Slash co-author Anthony Bozza has teamed up with MySpace to post an exclusive blog titled 'The Soundtrack' in which he gives his suggested tracks by Slash to listen to while reading the book. Here is an excerpt from the blog:

"During the course of poring through the hours of interview transcript we complied and writing the resulting narrative that you all know as Slash, I of course called upon Mr. Hudson's entire catalog, with and without Guns, for inspiration during many a late night.

"The book was intense work; we interviewed five nights a week from around midnight until the wee hours for a few months, and my writing took place over the next four months (I don't suggest trying this if you don't have to), typically on the same schedule." The blog, as well as videos of Slash himself discussing the book can be - found here and ponder why you listen to music while trying to read a book. Ironically "Better" is playing at antiMusic studios as this is posted. It's true.

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