
Beaumont Boys Bash Set for Rocktober

(Webster and Assoc) Country music stars and Southeast Texans Tracy Byrd, Zona Jones, and Mark Chesnutt will be home in October for a three-day-long series of charity events called the Beaumont Boys Bash.

Byrd explained, "By postponing the Bash from April to our new dates in October it will hopefully give our community some extra time that we need to recover from Ike and from the general state of our economy. We just need a little more time to heal."

Jones states, "This weekend is so much fun and such a great thing for our community. We really didn't want to risk losing the event. Moving the dates to October will allow all of us the extra time we need."

The festivities are an extension of Byrd's decade long running Homecoming Weekend. The annual Texas event raised over a million dollars for children's charities in Beaumont with proceeds from the golf/fishing/music weekend resulting in the Tracy Byrd Hyperbaric Medicine and Wound Care Center at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. In 2008, Byrd joined forces with fellow Country Music Artists, Mark Chesnutt and Zona Jones to create the Beaumont Boys Bash.

The 2009 Bash will be held Oct. 23 � 25 and will raise money for the following charities: Children's Miracle Network in Beaumont, Netcasters Youth Ministries, the Garth House, the Boy Scouts, and the Southeast Texas Humane Society.

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