
Dr. Paul Rodgers' Future Plans

Our friend RossCat at Nightlife magazine caught up with Paul Rodgers when Bad Company rolled through town earlier this month. Here are a couple excerpts of the interview where Paul discusses his new doctorate and his future plans.

On his honorary doctorate from the University Teesside: It really is a wonderful honor, although it is an honorary degree, so I do take it with a pinch of salt. That being said I'm extremely honored that they would recognize me in such a manner. I left school at the age of sixteen and basically hit the road, so most of my schooling has been through playing music. The fact that the University has chosen to honor me for doing something that I Love to share with people is truly a humbling experience.

Ross CAT-Ironically enough I think you were touring with Queen when Brian May received his honorary doctorate. There must be some good humored ribbing going on between the two of you. Paul Rodgers -Yes Brian was very proud of his honorary degree as well, we did share a laugh after I received mine commenting that if anyone came around asking if there was a Doctor in the house at one of our shows we could say "We'll Yes actually there are two". (Laughter)

Ross CAT-With so many accolades bestowed on you in recent years one might think that your in the twilight of your career, yet its quite the contrary, tell us what's on the Paul Rodgers docket following the summer tour dates? Rodgers -Your absolutely right there's a lot going on for me; songwriting has been and always will be a constant passion for me. The Music Business has changed so much, I try to get myself into a situation were I can surround myself with the right Band and the right songs which I've been fortunate enough to achieve over the years. The biggest challenge is finding a good Record Deal so that the music that I put out there is properly distributed; I'm in the process of putting that all together. It's interesting you used the term "twilight" of one's career I'm actually sixty years old and I still can't believe that, it's an age that I never dreamed attainable its somehow in the midst of yonder time for me. When I look at my life I've proceeded on two fronts, there's been sort of an internal life were I've been trying to be successful in the world around me and succeed at what I Love to do. On the other hand you try to find yourself the person that you truly are within. At this stage of my Life I think those two things have finally come together and I have a much better picture of who I'am as a person which has given me more clarity on the direction I want to go musically. It really is a Good Time for me in my life and I can't wait to see what the next chapter has to bring.

- Read the full interview here

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