
Singled Out: Lillian Axe's 47 Ways to Die

Welcome to Singled Out! where we ask artists to tell us the inside story of their latest single. Today Steve Blaze from Lillian Axe tells us about "47 Ways to Die" from their brand new album "Deep Red Shadows". We now turn it over to for the story:

47 Ways to Die was written as I observed how our society takes the beauty of life for granted. We do so many things that are detrimental to ourselves and others that we have become a selfish and greedy world. Man tries to inadvertently kill himself on so many levels by not seeing the forest for the trees.
When you step back and see the big picture, it really is a beautiful one.

It takes hard work and sacrifice but it's there for us in all of its majesty. I get really frustrated when I see how people all across the planet refuse to appreciate each other and the gift of life that we have been given.

Everyone wants to be the center of attention and most people will do what it takes to get there regardless of the method. In actuality, there is plenty of room for all of us to be that center. The actual writing of the song came very smoothly and quicker than most songs. The flow was very natural.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album - right here!

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