
Dream Theater Want World Class Replacement for Mike Portnoy (Top Story)

Dream Theater Want World Class Replacement for Mike Portnoy was a top 10 story this week . Here is the recap: (Gibson) In an interview with Metal Messiah Radio, Dream Theater singer James LaBrie addressed the prog metal band's plans following the departure of drummer Mike Portnoy. LaBrie told DJ D.C. Green that the band is approaching the issue of Portnoy's replacement with care and diligence.

"We're not rushing into it," he said. "Because it's a big move for us; it's unprecedented within the band. This is our first time coming up against finding a drummer for Dream Theater.

"We do have everything in place. We don't have a drummer yet, but we have auditions for drummers all set up, and it's all ready to go within two weeks. So in two weeks we will start auditioning drummers. We already have seven guys lined up that are gonna come into the studio and they are going to play through some songs and so on and so forth." - more on this story

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