
Guns N' Roses Honor Pearl Harbor Heroes With Rock Hall Induction Comments (A Top Story)

On Thursday Guns N' Roses Honor Pearl Harbor Heroes With Rock Hall Induction Comments was a top story. Here is the recap: Guns N' Roses have been selected to be inducted into the Rock and Roll of Fame during their first year of eligibility.

The band issued a statement on their Facebook page yesterday but also took the time to mark Pearl Harbor day. Here is what they had to say: "YOUNGSTOWN O-HI-O! Covelli Centre's our jungle tonight! So close yet still far away from the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame. Congratulations to all the 2012 inductees and our sincerest thanks to the Hall's organizers, committee members and voting delegates who supported the GN'R induction - it's a humbling honor to be recognized on this first ballot.

"While it's so easy to get hyped up on awards and recognition of the now, let's never forget the soldiers who fight for the freedom we enjoy. ESPECIALLY on this day 70 years ago at Pearl Harbor, the lagoon in Hawaii where the ultimate price was paid. REMEMBER December 7th is the day to commemorate the Japanese attack that drew the United States into World War II.

"TODAY is PEARL HARBOR DAY ☮" - Facebook link

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