
Singled Out: Cyderian Son's Mayans

Keavin Wiggins | 01-05-2021

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Singled Out: Cyderian Son's Mayans
Single art courtesy Carry The 4

Cyderian Son recently released their new single "Mayans" and to celebrate we have asked the band to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

Mayans is one of our older songs, back before we were even Cyderian Son. Our fans always loved the track when we played live, so even though we were a bit past it as far as our sound, we wanted to do it justice for them.

We felt like there was no room for it on our debut LP "[R.E]:M.ILY", and the new material we were writing was an even larger departure, so we decided on it as a single. After rewriting the whole drum part, the entire bass part, the polyrhythms in the guitars in the second verse, the solo, and the lyrics, added some ambient synth in the chorus, which at the time was new for us, we really just pushed our boundaries at the time, and the song certainly is the better for it.

Once we felt ready to record, we reached out to Jamie King, who mastered "[R.E]:M.ILY" and engineered "Necropolis", and picked out a day to do the track. We felt like if we couldn't record this track in one day, we really have no business disillusioning ourselves with choosing this as a career path. So we drove down from NYC to North Carolina, recorded the single starting at 10am the next day with drums, moved on to guitars, bass, and vocals. By the time we finished and packed up it was around 1am, so we drove the 10 hours back home in time to drop each other off at work, and that was that. We felt like the whole experience was a validation of our efforts, that we're capable of achieving the artistic and technical style we set out to.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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