
antiGuy's Top 5
Top 5 Campaign promises.
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antiGUY gives his top 5 list of music stuff. Could be songs, people, a stupid trend... nothing is sacred to antiGUY

This Months Top 5

Top 5 Campaign promises
Sitting back watching the presidential campaign this year got me to thinking, do any of these guys really care about the same issues as I do? Both of the major party candidates grew up in privileged families, went to the best schools and are the sons of career politicians. I don't like to mix music and politics, and will rarely air my personal political views in my writing. But for the record I am a registered Libertarian. I'm one of the people who believe that the government tries to do way too much and in the process is destroying our constitutional liberties.

I'm not here to push my views or agenda. This is not MTV. I will provide links after the Top 5 so you can check out the candidates web sites, see where they stand on the issues you care about. I simply ask that if you vote, take a little time and see where all the candidates stand before casting your vote. An educated voter is a happy voter!

But after looking at all the candidates and you still can't find someone you like, you are more than welcome to use my name as a write in protest vote! I don't have a chance in hell of winning and even if I did, I am too young to qualify, but if elected here are some of the things I promise to do on the music front.

Top 5 Campaign promises

5) Fight any and all attempts to censor music.

4) Have the Justice Dept. investigate the RIAA for possible anti-trust and monopoly practices.

3) Invite Slayer, Ozzy, AC/DC and Pantera to perform at the inauguration. (now wouldn't that be cool?)

2) Have the FCC revoke MTV's license unless they go back to a music format.

Number one
Read my lips - "No New Boybands!"

As usual the fan speak section is below. Feel free to air your views on music and politics. But before you do here are the links I promised.