
antiGuy's Top 5
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antiGUY gives his top 5 list of music stuff. Could be songs, people, a stupid trend... nothing is sacred to antiGUY

This Months Top 5

Top 5 lamest stage names

I've got nothing against stage names in concept, some can be pretty clever, but there are others that borderline on being out and out stupid. Rap artists seem the most likely to use stupid stage names, but there are plenty others out there to choose from. Below are my top 5 picks, I'm sure you have a few of your own to add to the list. (some of you might take a shot at my penn name too and that's ok, have at it)

Top 5 lamest stage names

5) Prince in his "Artist formerly known as" era aka the unpronounceable symbol.

4) Blackie Lawless (W.A.S.P.) Even though the name fits him, it is still pretty cheesy.

3) Kid Rock - So it's rock for little kids?

2) Shifty Shellshok (Crazy Town) - Maybe if this name was used by someone we could take seriously, it might work.

and the number one lamest stage name is

p.diddy - How can you go from one lame stage name to an even lamer one?
