
Singled Out: Jordan Red's Don't Let The Heavens Fall

Jordan Red just released their new single "Don't Let The Heavens Fall" and to celebrate we asked them to tell us about the track and music video for the single. Here is the story:

This is a song about learning from past mistakes and never giving up on what you believe in. It's about acting with faith when faced with obstacles and never turning your back on what's right or compromising your morals.

The message behind this song is one of hope. It's fuelled by the desire to leave the past behind and move beyond the darkness and into the light.

The track's title came from the line "Don't Let The Heavens Fall, The Heavens Fall Away" which is an observation that we can lose everything around us if we don't work to preserve it.

We recorded at Long Wave Studios in Cardiff with (producer) Romesh Dodangoda and built the song around anthemic vocals you can sing at the top of your lungs and hard hitting riffs that will have your fist in the air from the moment it kicks in.

When we were writing this track we had a lot of time to experiment with the layers of guitars and vocals before we went in the studio but a lot of what was captured happened in the moment during the sessions and we kept it.

The visual side of the track comes to life through the illustrative art work of Elisa Schillaci and accompanying lyric video produced by 12 Inch Media.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below

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