
Singled Out: DEVILSKIN's Unborn

Keavin Wiggins | 05-23-2024

Singled Out: DEVILSKIN's Unborn

New Zealand rockers DEVILSKIN just released their new "Surfacing" EP and to celebrate we asked bassist/lyricist Paul Martin to tell us about one of the tracks and he shared the story behind "Unborn". Here is the story:

Our guitarist Nail, came up with this beautiful melody that he wrote for his, as then, in-utero daughter. Its a really soothing and delicate piece that he would play on guitar to his wife's pregnant belly.

He asked me to come up with some lyrics for it. I basically had a dream one night and the lyrics, visuals and mood all came to me. The song didn't make the cut for our fourth album RED but we managed to sneak a little of that magical melody as a segue between songs.

The song is written from perspective of a brand new life, still in the womb, but nourished by the words, music and love from the parents. The wonder of what is to come, discovering pure love, the warmth that only a nurturing parent can give. This is the story of all of us. "Father can you hear me? Mother can you hear me?" My own mother died when I was very young so this is a song I have waited a long time to write.

Once we started to record this track it really came to life. I recall we all had goosebumps when Jennie was recording the vocals, she really dug deep on this one and the arrangement with strings and piano really was the icing on the cake to give it such huge presence and undeniable gravitas.

This is simply a love song, about as pure and honest as it gets.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the EP here

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