
Singled Out: Sundressed's Home Remedy

Keavin Wiggins | 06-07-2020

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Sundressed recently released their new single and video entitled "Home Remedy" and to celebrate we asked frontman Trevor Hedges to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

Home remedy is the last song I wrote for the album. It is also the name of the album! How did that happen? Well we were going into the studio in about a month and had a great set of demos and all the songs had similar themes and ideas, but there was no centralized message to tie it all together. I started to think about different symbols that might best represent the idea of this struggle and resilience, and I kept coming back to home remedy. Oftentimes home remedies work to a certain extent, but they're often rough around the edges, questionably effective, or just not consumed like traditional medicine. So these songs are about both literal and metaphorical home remedies that have helped me get through hard times! I hope listeners will find a little hope in these words, and that maybe they can find some remedies that work for them!

The song started with the first line, which is a little unusual, usually its a chorus or a set of lines that ends up being somewhere else in the song. "I need noise cancelling headphones to cancel the noise inside my head." actually came to me sitting in the van. Our drummer Vic is always very quiet in the van and kinda tunes out our shenanigans, and I had the thought that I wished I could cancel the anxious noises inside my head. I knew this song was special to me because the rest of the lyrics came completely naturally after that.

After a lot of disappointments in the process of trying to make this album happen, it felt like everything had fallen into place because I needed the time to write "Home Remedy". We really stuck to our guns and didn't compromise on this record. It is undoubted the most honest we have been. This is Sundressed.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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