
Singled Out: Hold On Hollywood's Movies

Keavin Wiggins | 05-06-2020

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Hold On Hollywood

Hold On Hollywood recently released a video for their single "Movies" from their Love Stories EP and to celebrate we asked lead singer Ian Dartez to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

One night after a late night writing session with the whole band, Devin and Nick sat down to flesh out an idea after Corey and I had left. They said they wanted to create a really bass-driven dancey tune, and stayed at our rehearsal room demoing out the opening to it which would later become the intro up to the first chorus/post chorus of the song. They sent it to me and it was just like a minute of music with a title that said "Movies". I woke up the next morning for work and was in my bathroom about to shower when I played the track. I was butt-ass naked in there and started dancing to it a bit and instantly it hit my head, "Let's go to the movies" for the chorus hook. I told the guys we had to get back in and finish it, and the song practically like wrote itself out when we got back together again.

It tells the classic tale of youth and nostalgia. First love, first cars, all the fun youthful moments in life everyone cherishes. This song was definitely the "one" for us off this EP and we were really excited to get it recorded for everyone else to hear. We know everyone has those childhood, or teenage memories where all your friends would be excited for the upcoming weekend to go watch the new hottest movie at the local movie theater, and we wanted to capture that memory, feel and emotion of friendship, first love, and great times that we will cherish forever. The making of the video really allowed us to experiment with old memories and try to let the listeners and viewers share that same imagery, and relate to what they are watching and hearing.

Our biggest goal when hearing or watching our latest released single "Movies" is that you look back on good times, memories you'll never forget and love it every single time. We've always wrote about the most common basic human emotion and that is love, and we hope we've captured those memories to allow the listener to relate, and keep coming back for more.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the EP here

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