
Singled Out: Telltale's Otherside

Keavin Wiggins | 12-15-2023

Singled Out: Telltale's Otherside

Richmond, VA rockers Telltale recently debuted their first original music of 2023 with their single "Otherside," and to celebrate we asked vocalist John Carteret to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

Writing "Otherside" definitely took the most studio hours of any song we've made. Bryce and Travis played with the instrumental over 2 different days, and it's hard to count how many nights were spent tweaking the lyrics and melody on a loop.

I wanted to treat this one like a pop hit, laying something repetitive and singable over the chorus. The instrumental breaks were so bouncy and hooky already, it almost became like a competition.

Lyrically we're a pretty emotive band, but "Otherside" presented this weird challenge of not fully resonating with me musically. I ended up treating it as an assignment in storytelling, writing the story of one of our fans. A girl who loves space, and wants to run away from the world.

The funny part about creative storytelling is it often offers insight about your own mental disposition. In this case, the things I was running away from at that time.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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