
Singled Out: Silver Cave's Racing Down Rosedale

Keavin Wiggins | 10-22-2020

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Singled Out: Silver Cave's Racing Down Rosedale

Columbus, OH heavy rockers Silver Cave just released a new single called "Racing Down Rosedale" and to celebrate we asked Trent Rowland (vocals/guitar/songwriter) to tell us about the track. Here is the story:

There are those rare occasions in life where, as something is happening to you, you're able to identify that it is a truly special moment. It doesn't have to be your graduation or your wedding day or anything HUGE. It could just be the breeze on your face as the summer begins to fade away, unveiling the first breath of fall.

My dear cousin Matt and I seemingly spent every day together during the summers when we weren't in school. We would go swimming, play video games, and take bike rides down to the river and through the park. I remember thinking, even then as a young person, that those moments were special. I was truly able to feel LIFE in that breeze, and I never wanted to let it go.

I wrote "Racing Down Rosedale" about those rides. It all sounds very airy and romantic, but my band, Silver Cave, plays very heavy music. What's so heavy about bike rides as a kid? For me, now an older person, I feel more aggressively what I felt those days as a child. I never wanted to let go. I wanted to ride down to the river again one last time. The younger me had an inkling that those beautiful days of my youth were numbered, and now I've fully realized that fear as an adult. "Racing Down Rosedale" is a song about preserving those perfect moments, even when you know that they will end. Summer will give way to fall.

My sincere hope is that this song captures a perfect moment for others. When I play it, I feel that perfect breeze once again.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about the band here

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