
Former Guns N' Roses Guitarist Gilby Clarke Releases Quarantine Jam Video

Former Guns N' Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke has released a quarantine jam of his new single "The Gospel Truth", which is the title track to his forthcoming solo album.

Clarke recruited bassist Sean McNabb (Dokken, Lynch Mob) and drummer Matt Starr (Mr. Big, Ace Frehley) to record the new isolation jam of the previously released single.

Gilby's camp shared this description of the song "The track is about the concept of truth today. The truth is whatever someone says out loud, no one is accountable and it's puzzling.

"Reflecting on an upbringing within the Catholic church, Clarke touches upon the idea that honesty shouldn't come from fear, and encourages the listener to be brave, say what you mean, and mean what you say." Watch the video below:

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