
Sammy Hagar Does Not Want Socially Distanced Shows 2021 In Review

Keavin Wiggins | 12-06-2021

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Sammy Hagar Does Not Want Socially Distanced Shows 2021 In Review
Video still from the interview

Sammy Hagar had a top 21 story from January 2021 after he shared that that the idea of doing a drive-in theater show does not appeal to him and that his special pay-per-view show on Catalina Island was not financially successful.

The Red Rocker made the comments in a new interview with Radio.com. He said, "The drive-in movie theater thing, that didn't appeal to me. I couldn't do it. My fans are crazy.

"So, we did the Catalina Island thing, where we said, 'Well, let's have a boat-in and see how that works.' And that was cool, but it was so expensive. I mean, you wanna talk about paying to play. It's, like, man. We had a to build a stage, we had to bring production, everything , on the Catalina.

"We had to stay there a week, with building everything out, and we did a pay-per-view, and it was successful, but it was not financially successful. But that wasn't the idea, the idea was to finish up my birthday bash and get it done."

He went on to explain that nothing will replace traditional live shows, "I have my fun by walking out on stage for two hours and playing the music and entertaining and talking to the folks and getting the feedback.

"There's nothing that will ever replace that. And I need it. And I want it. And my fans need it. And they want it. And we've got to have it. So we've gotta get back to it.

"I don't wanna play to half a house, because I've been offered, 'Okay, you can play in some states. But if it holds 10 thousand [fans], you can only play for five'.

"I don't care about playing for five, I'd play for five hundred. I don't mind that at all. I just know that those five thousand people are not gonna stay in their seats and socially distance."

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