
Born Of Osiris Member Recovering After 27-Day Coma


Born Of Osiris Member Recovering After 27-Day Coma
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Born Of Osiris have dropped off of In Flames fall tour due to a medical situation with guitarist Lee McKinney who is now at home after being hospitalized for six weeks and in a coma for 27 days.

The band had this to say, "As some of you may have heard, Lee recently had an unfortunate medical situation that left him in a coma for 27 days and hospitalized for six weeks. He is home now and expected to make a full recovery.

"Unfortunately we will have to cancel our tour dates with In Flames in October, and our friends in Upon A Burning Body will be taking our place on the tour. We are hoping for a speedy and healthy recovery for Lee, and we appreciate all of our friends and fans that have reached out.

"We wish for @inflames, @uponaburningbodyofficial, @darkest_hour_official, and @hammerheddkc to have an amazing tour! Be sure to attend one of their shows if you are able to. We are sad that we will have to miss it.

"We will be using this time to work on a new album and we will still be performing at Hell and Heaven fest in Mexico on December 4th. We are also working on new tour dates for 2023. See you all soon!"

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