
5 Seconds of Summer Share Video For 'Older' Featuring Sierra Deaton

Michael Angulia | 10-18-2022

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5 Seconds of Summer have premiered a music video for their new ballad "Older," which features vocals from lead singer Luke Hemmings' fiancee, Sierra Deaton.

"If you knew the world was ending tomorrow, who would you want to spend it with? Would you be with a lover? Your children? Your best friends? Would you want to be alone?" asks 5 Seconds of Summer.

"The video for 'Older' poses this question and portrays humans of all walks of life on their last day on earth. The song is about not wanting to get older because that means you're one day closer to either your own eventual demise or that of your loved ones.

"Usually, in life, the end comes without warning, but we wanted the video to capture what could happen if we knew exactly when the end was coming. We made the video with our long-time friends and collaborators, the brilliant Frank and Ivanna Borin... we hope you enjoy it." Watch the video below:

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