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blur Share Song From First New Album In 8 Years


Album art

(Nasty Little Man) blur will release their first album in 8 years, titled The Ballad of Darren and comprising 10 new tracks, on July 21st on Parlophone. First track 'The Narcissist' is out now, and they have shared a visualizer for it.

Produced by James Ford and recorded at Studio 13, London and Devon, The Ballad of Darren is the band's ninth studio album, their first since the chart-topping The Magic Whip in 2015, with artwork featuring an image by British photographer Martin Parr.

The Ballad of Darren track listing is: The Ballad, St Charles Square, Barbaric, Russian Strings, The Everglades (For Leonard), The Narcissist, Goodbye Albert, Far Away Island, Avalon and The Heights

Damon Albarn said - "This is an aftershock record, reflection and comment on where we find ourselves now."

Graham Coxon said - "The older and madder we get, it becomes more essential that what we play is loaded with the right emotion and intention. Sometimes just a riff doesn't do the job."

Alex James said - "For any long term relationship to last with any meaning you have to be able to surprise each other somehow and somehow we all continue to do that."

Dave Rowntree said - "It always feels very natural to make music together. With every record we do, the process reveals something new and we develop as a band. We don't take that for granted."

Today's surprise announcement comes ahead of the band's return to the place where it all began - Colchester, Essex*- for their first ever performance at local landmark Colchester Arts Centre tomorrow, marking the start of a short run of warm-up performances which will see blur visit Eastbourne Winter Gardens on May 21st, The Halls Wolverhampton on May 26th and O2 City Hall Newcastle on May 28th.

These warm-up dates are kicking off a summer of highly-anticipated live shows which will bring Alex James, Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon and Dave Rowntree together again to perform their iconic and much-loved songs across Europe over the coming months. The band's first ever show at London's Wembley Stadium on Saturday July 8th sold out in minutes - with a second Wembley Stadium show added for Sunday July 9th.

The complete tracklisting for The Ballad of Darren is:

1. The Ballad
2. St Charles Square
3. Barbaric
4. Russian Strings
5. The Everglades (For Leonard)
6. The Narcissist
7. Goodbye Albert
8. Far Away Island
9. Avalon
10. The Heights

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