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Nita Strauss Recruits Anders from In Flames For 'The Golden Trail'


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(Atom Splitter) Fresh off the news that she would be returning to her role as guitarist with the legendary Alice Cooper, Los Angeles-born guitar hero and musical force of nature Nita Strauss has just announced her brand new album The Call of the The Void, out July 7 via Sumerian Records.

Regarding the album's title, Strauss shares, "Have you ever been at the top of a high building and had the fleeting thought, '... I could jump right now?' This feeling is sometimes called 'The Call of the Void,' also known as 'high place phenomenon.' It's not a suicidal impulse, rather the exact opposite - a subconscious decision to live your life, to step back from the ledge, and take control. As researcher April Smith aptly put it: 'An urge to jump affirms the urge to live.'

"I wanted the follow up to Controlled Chaos to be exciting, new, and fresh, to take listeners to a new place and take myself somewhere new as an artist too. We have some amazing collaborations on this album with incredible musicians, as well as the instrumental guitar music that first inspired me to play.

"Some pieces of music come into the world gracefully and easily. This album is not one of them! The Call of the Void was born kicking and screaming, a labor of love for sure, but also of blood, sweat and plenty of tears. I couldn't be more proud of the end result. Making this album helped me learn and grow so much as a musician and songwriter and I'm excited to finally unleash it on the world."

"Summer Storm"
"The Wolf You Feed" (Feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
"Digital Bullets" (Feat. Chris Motionless)
"Through the Noise" (Feat. Lzzy Hale)
"Consume The Fire"
"Dead Inside" (Feat. David Draiman)
"Victorious" (Feat. Dorothy)
"The Golden Trail" (Feat. Anders Fridén)
"Winner Takes All" (Feat. Alice Cooper)
"Monster" (Feat. Lilith Czar)
"Surfacing" (Feat. Marty Friedman)

"Summer Storm"
"The Wolf You Feed" (Feat. Alissa White-Gluz)
"Digital Bullets" (Feat. Chris Motionless)
"Through the Noise" (Feat. Lzzy Hale)
"Consume The Fire"
"Dead Inside" (Feat. David Draiman)
"Victorious" (Feat. Dorothy)
"The Golden Trail" (Feat. Anders Fridén)
"Winner Takes All" (Feat. Alice Cooper)
"Monster" (Feat. Lilith Czar)
"Surfacing" (Feat. Marty Friedman)
"The Wolf You Feed" (Instrumental)
"Digital Bullets" (Instrumental)
"Through the Noise" (Instrumental)
"Dead Inside" (Instrumental)
"Victorious" (Instrumental)
"The Golden Trail" (Instrumental)
"Winner Takes All" (Instrumental)
"Monster" (Instrumental)

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