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Creeping Death Premiere 'Intestinal Wrap' Video


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(Earsplit) Creeping Death have shared a video for their new track, "Intestinal Wrap." The song is the lead single from their long-awaited new full-length, Boundless Domain, which will arrive on June 16th via MNRK Heavy.

Creeping Death is on a quick and furious ascent from the underground. The Texas death metal crew repeatedly delivers a relentless bludgeoning summoned from the furthest reaches of the genre's past, present, and future. A triumphant celebration of the style itself, the Lone Star State fivesome whips up gruesome riffage and Southern grooves with an improbable cathartic glee.

The band's formula hits perfection with the brilliant Boundless Domain, a sophomore slab of spectacular weight, dimension, and might. Produced by Killswitch Engage guitarist Adam Dutkiewicz (As I Lay Dying, The Acacia Strain, Underoath), Boundless Domain is a certified ripper, top to bottom.

"We've never sounded better," guitarist Trey Pemberton shares enthusiastically. "We love the people we've recorded with before, but we've never had anybody challenge and push us as Adam did."

In the wake of the passing of local heroes Riley Gale of Power Trip and Wade Allison of Iron Age, the band -- Pemberton, singer Reese Alavi, bassist Eric "Rico" Mejia, drummer Lincoln Mullins, and guitarist A.J. Ross, III -- found themselves digging back into some of their metallic hardcore favorites. "We made it a point to bring in more influences from hardcore bands we came up loving, especially Texas hardcore," Pemberton explains. "There's a lot of Mammoth Grinder, Iron Age, and Power Trip influence. Having Riley and Wade pass so close to one another left a huge hole in the scene. We all went on a kick of listening to the Texas stuff for a while, and it definitely seeped into our writing."

Boundless Domain boasts future death metal classics like the super heavy, fast, and groovy "Intestinal Wrap," which features George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher of Cannibal Corpse. "Vitrified Earth" showcases Creeping Death's increasing skills at songcraft, most evident with the cadence and phrasing of Alavi's vocals while never neglecting the sick riffs. Toward the album's end, there's even a bit of a spaced-out atmosphere, with guitar effects, harmonies, and heady time signatures.

Today, the band is pleased to unveil the record's first single, the aforementioned "Intestinal Wrap." Comments Pemberton of the track, "We feel like we collectively stepped up our performances on this record. Working with Adam was a blast and we're all proud of how Boundless Domain turned out. See you on the road!"

Boundless Domain Tracklisting:
1. Boundless Domain
2. Intestinal Wrap (Ft. Corpsegrinder)
3. Vitrified Earth
4. The Parthian Shot
5. Creators Turned Into Prey
6. Cursed
7. Remnants Of The Old Gods
8. Looming
9. The Common Breed

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